Whats the big deal…?

2 topics in the news right now that are irritating the be-jeezus out of me, and I just felt the need to post my official opinion.

Christian Bale cursing out the director of photography on the set of Terminator Salvation.

According to news reports, Shane Hurlbut, “accidentally” walked on set, apparently into Bale’s line of sight, throwing off his concentration. Bale then went on a reported 4 minute F-bomb laced tirade against Hurlbut.

Bale in MachinistThe majority of news opinions seem to be chastising Bale for this outburst, but I can relate. Not that i’m a famous actor and my concentration has been broken by some douchenozzle “accidentally” walking on set and fucking up my mojo. But rather at my temper getting the best of me and verbally abusing someone.

Who’s to say that this just wasn’t a last straw in a hay-stack of a day for Bale? Everyone has openly said that Bale is a very intense guy/actor, he takes his trade very seriously. He lost 60 lbs for the Machinist only to immediately beef up for his role in Batman. He loves what he does, he takes it very seriously, and wants to be at his best at every moment. Reportedly, this was not the first or second instance of Hurlbut walking onto set and finally, “snap”, Bale lost it. He had had enough, and made sure that not only Hurlbut but everyone else within earshot knew it. And on top of it, what’s the big deal with the number of F-bombs? Would it have been better if he said “darn it” and “freak” instead? I mean, come on, at the end, he told Hurlbut, “You’re a nice guy, but professionally, we’re done.” Which to me meant. “Ok, get off my set, you’ll never work on a project with me again, but we’re cool otherwise, lets go grab a beer after I wrap this thing up.”

Michael Phelps banging on the bong.

LeafThis is an easy one. Fucking chill. He’s not competing, he’s not responsible for anyones lives, no children involved, he’s not smoking crack (not that even if he were I’d care too much). He was smoking a little weed in his down time.

Who the fuck cares? Get over this marijuana issue. Do you even know why its illegal? Take a minute, read this, and see if you still feel the same. If you do, I’m sad for you.

Enough said on that…

I’d like to hear your thoughts on these.


2 responses to “Whats the big deal…?”

  1. Yeah. Everyone needs to chill. there are such bigger fish to fry in the world right now than Bruce Wayne flipping out or Phelps likin’ the ganj. did everyone forget about the unemployment rate? Starving babies and AIDS? SRSLY.

  2. “Michael Phelps banging on the bong.”
    Fuckin a……..
    The same people who talk shit about marijuana are the same drunks that stop at the local bar every night before going home.
    Tell me the last time youve herd about some dude smoking a joint and driving his pick up into a crowd of school kids, or goes home and beat there wife?
    This is how stupid the fear of pot has gotten.
    The stat of California last month turned down over $900 million, in what should have been legal tax money, from local pot growers in an effort to help with the stats ailing budget problems.

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