Just a little warm up…
I’ve never been much of a blogger, but everyone keeps telling me that its a great therapy. And most of you that know will agree, I probably need more therapy that anyone you know. So, here goes.
A little bit about me. My life is amazing. I have a wonderful, beautiful, loving wife. She’s an amazing mother, my best friend. She’s dedicated, motivated, funny, sexy and strong. My kids are healthy, happy, beautiful, smart and sweet. My job is a job, its stable, pays well, I get tons of freedom, nothing to complain about, which is more than most of my friends can say. My friends are supportive, caring, giving and thoughtful. I’m healthy.
So, with all that, why do I feel like crap most days. I’m cynical, unmotivated, tired and grouchy. Most would say depressed. I can’t disagree, but my logic dictates that with all the great things in my life, I shouldn’t be. Stop being a pussy and just “be happy”. I know, I know, its not that easy. Its chemical, blah blah. I’m not stupid, in denial, or naive. I’ve just always been a “self-fixer”. I guess I get that from my dad, which explains why he seemed to be a miserable bastard most of my life. The bottom line is, do I want my kids growing up thinking that about me? No. I definitely do not. So, I guess that’s my answer. Stop being an egotistical prick and go get on some meds? Ok.
Wow, see, after 10 mins, i’m cured. Maybe this will be my first and last post.
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