Category: Health/Wellness

  • Smack in the face…

    I’ve restarted P90X. Got lazy really fast the first time around. Didn’t do the nutrition “I can regulate it myself” I said. Bullshit. So, after the first 6 weeks, I hadn’t seen the results I wanted so I started over. Adding the nutrition system this time around. Its been a huge change, a lot more…

  • My son’s biggest WTF was he thinking moment… so far.

    Any of you that know me, know my son has a mind of his own. He has a penchant for challenging the rules, pushing boundaries, like most boys, just finding every way he can to see exactly what he can get away with. He’s 5 by the way. We’ve been battling with him lately about…

  • Adventures in a root canal…

    In case you’re thinking of having one, here’s what you can expect. First, a little background on what led up to this… I went to my bi-annual dentist appointment back in November. She found I had a cavity in my #2. In case you’re not familiar with the numbering, it starts with the very back,…

  • Golden Tips for a Better 2009

    I didn’t write any of these, but with the way 2008 ended for not only myself, but a lot of people I love. I thought these could help. Keep your heads up, and look at things in 2 ways. 1) They could either get worse, or with the power of positive thinking, 2) they will…

  • Crazy update

    Ok, i’ve finally broken down and made an appointment with my doc to talk about my “season affect disorder” as Paige calls it.  I’ve known for years that I get slight more down in the winter, but I thought that was normal, that everyone did.  But the last couple of years, it’s gotten much worse. …

  • First post

    Just a little warm up… I’ve never been much of a blogger, but everyone keeps telling me that its a great therapy.  And most of you that know will agree, I probably need more therapy that anyone you know.  So, here goes. A little bit about me.  My life is amazing.  I have a wonderful,…