Category: Family

  • Time to learn a new language.

    I’ve wanted to learn ASL for as long as I can remember. Public schools managed to teach me the alphabet when I was young, but really, what good is knowing your ABC’s if you don’t know how to put them together to make words, phrases, sentences? My daughter joined an ASL club at her high…

  • My son’s biggest WTF was he thinking moment… so far.

    Any of you that know me, know my son has a mind of his own. He has a penchant for challenging the rules, pushing boundaries, like most boys, just finding every way he can to see exactly what he can get away with. He’s 5 by the way. We’ve been battling with him lately about…

  • Catching up

    Stomach virus is not good times Most of you know by now, but I’ve been out of commission the past couple days.  I’ll save you the grizzly details, but I spent the better part of the past 2 days and nights in bed, quarantined from the fam in order to stop the virus in its…