Author: Gene Rice
Golden Tips for a Better 2009
I didn’t write any of these, but with the way 2008 ended for not only myself, but a lot of people I love. I thought these could help. Keep your heads up, and look at things in 2 ways. 1) They could either get worse, or with the power of positive thinking, 2) they will…
Time flies…
Wow, I was just sitting here thinking, even though the new year has arrived, and we’re already 5 days in, that time seems to be going by slowly lately. Then Iooked at my last blog post and its been 2.5 weeks. Its as if time continues on whether I’m paying attention or not. Wait, then…
North To South
I’m giving the t-shirt biz another whirl. Nothing too serious, just some fun stuff. If you have anything you’ve ever wanted on a t-shirt and never found just the right thing. Let me know, I can build it for you. Just in time for Christmas. Tell all your friends.
Catching up
Stomach virus is not good times Most of you know by now, but I’ve been out of commission the past couple days. I’ll save you the grizzly details, but I spent the better part of the past 2 days and nights in bed, quarantined from the fam in order to stop the virus in its…
Don’t be this person
Most of you that know me, know that I’m a little rough around the edges. But deep down inside, I like to think I can be very helpful to people that I care about. If you’ve not given me reason, I probably won’t help too much. I feel this is fair. Its the people who…
Crazy update
Ok, i’ve finally broken down and made an appointment with my doc to talk about my “season affect disorder” as Paige calls it. I’ve known for years that I get slight more down in the winter, but I thought that was normal, that everyone did. But the last couple of years, it’s gotten much worse. …
First post
Just a little warm up… I’ve never been much of a blogger, but everyone keeps telling me that its a great therapy. And most of you that know will agree, I probably need more therapy that anyone you know. So, here goes. A little bit about me. My life is amazing. I have a wonderful,…